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The 4head Garden of Dreams has been designed as a natural haven of peace, inviting visitors to journey from the stressful world of consciousness to an altogether more alluring destination, idealised in dreams.

Set in secluded, tranquil woodland and protected by thorny hedge from harsh realities beyond, the garden provides an oasis of calm. A small, babbling brook emerges from shaded tree roots to meander through a sunlit glade towards a large central pool, surrounding an island. This 'Island of Reflection' is home to a stunning living sculpture, an evocative, dreaming girl created by Sue and Peter Hill, whose amazing creative talents produced the much acclaimed 'Mudmaid' at the Lost Gardens of Heligan.

The pool is bordered by open meadow, with profuse use of plants selected for the calming properties of their perfume and their subdued colours. With plants such as vervain, borage, lavender and chamomile, the palette is limited to blues, mauves, white, the palest of yellows and, most
soothing of all, green. Many of the plants also possess renowned medicinal properties and have been used for centuries to treat nervous complaints, headache, stress and insomnia.

A choice of paths can be taken through the garden, via the woodland or the meadow. Whichever is chosen, visitors will experience a sensory journey of relaxation. They may pause for a moment on the island to share, with the dreaming girl, the soporific effects of colours, scents, textures, birdsong, water and reflective light. Continuing on, they will arrive at a woodland retreat, an ancient stumpery composed of intertwined tree roots, where they can rest, relax ... and dream.