Diomed Developments, makers of 4head, are proud to return to Chelsea in 2006, to sponsor their third, and most ambitious, show garden - The 4head Garden of Dreams. Intended to rank as one of the most impressive 'natural' exhibits ever to be staged at Chelsea, this stunning garden is designed to appeal to all the senses - reflecting the awesome yet subtle power possessed by plants to affect our lives, our health and wellbeing, and our dreams.

The role of the sponsor is to facilitate a project such as this, bringing together a highly skilled and motivated team with a common purpose - the pursuit of excellence for the benefit of all. The creation of a medal winning garden at Chelsea stands to the credit of all concerned, is applauded by the public, and raises awareness and funds for deserving charities like POD.

With this 2006 entry, we hope to raise the bar and, in the process, lift the spirit once again.

What is 4head?
4head is a natural treatment for headaches' without pills. Its active ingredient, levomenthol, is extracted from the Mentha piperita plant. Simply applied to the forehead using its special applicator, 4head is thought to work by relaxing peripheral blood vessels, inducing sensations of coldness and tingling, leading to an analgesic effect. The active ingredient is also thought to help relax muscles in the head and neck, which are often associated with tension headaches.

4head is ideal for anyone who dislikes or is apprehensive about taking pills. Its compact, colourless stick applicator is easy to carry around and can be applied as required at any time. Most importantly, 4head can bring effective headache relief within just a few minutes.

Available from supermarkets and pharmacies everywhere, each 4head pack is sufficient for more than 100 applications, offering great value. For more information, call the 'Headache Information Bureau' on 020 7808 9811, or log on to www.4headaches.co.uk.

Contains levomenthol. Always read the label.